Monday, April 16, 2018

NaPoWriMo 2018 Day 15: Missing

Prompt:  Write a poem in which a villain faces an unfortunate situation, and is revealed to be human (but still evil). 

There were a lot of possible choices for this prompt. But Asifa Bano wouldn't let me go. So I gave in.

In all 15 days of NaPoWriMo, this has been the hardest gut punch of all to write.


The temple roof has sprung a leak. It will need patching before the rains come.

The women’s wails reach his ears before he arrives at the house.
Her mother’s cries rise above the rest; Parvati finding her child decapitated
Upon running out of her bath.
Only six and taken by the gods, someone laments.
Here the gods are vicious, carrying dengue on swift wings
Within their striped, tiny bodies.
His  neighbour’s child, smiling and bright-eyed no more.
He offers prayers, awkward comfort. No more waving to him 
No more gap-toothed smiles.
No more laughter. Her little body lies decked in full solemn ceremony
Eyes wide shut, her sleeping expression gravely surprised.
Her mother’s grief washes over him, mingles with his own.

Have you seen my child?
There is fear in this father’s eyes, t
he weight of racial feuds
Creased into his weathered skin. Tensions poison the blood, sicken the brain.
Asifa. She’s eight. She went looking for our horses. Have you seen her?

He shakes his head, no. Perhaps she’s gone to a relative’s. Perhaps she’s eloped.

He locks the temple, goes home, leaving behind her small huddled body
Drugged, raped, and battered under its mound of plastic mats and rugs.

The eyes of old deities watch from the devsthan, tongues silent from disuse.

The temple roof has sprung a leak. 


Angela van Son said...

OMG OMG OMG :( :( :( Sick bastards. Poor girl. Poor family.

Kerfe said...

Imagining the unimaginable...

Shuku said...

Angela and Kerfe: Yeah. It's...yeah. :/

Jane Dougherty said...

Temple creepers are often like that—the worst sort of creeping life. Give me cockroaches any day.

Shuku said...

Jane: I know right. I despise cockroaches m'self, but I despise these sorts of abominations even more.